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Choral Repertoire

Listing pieces performed and studied with new items being added on a regular basis

Handel, George Frideric
The Messiah

Zadok the Priest


Harris, William
Faire is the heaven


Haydn, Joseph
Nelson Mass


Howells, Herbert
Like as the hart


Ireland, John
Greater love hath no man


Gorecki, Henryk
Totus Tuus

Grieg, Edvard
Ave Maris Stella


Josquin Des Prez
Missa L'homme Armé


Purcell, Henry

Hear My Prayer

Allegri, Gregorio

Miserere Mei


Bairstow, Edward
Let all mortal flesh keep silence


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Symphony No. 9


Bruckner, Anton
Ave Maria

Christus Factus Est

Locus Iste


Byrd, William
Ave Verum Corpus
Five Part Mass
Three Part Mass


Dering, Richard
Factum est silentium


Fauré, Gabriel
Cantique de Jean Racine


Gibbons, Orlando

O Clap your Hands

​Mozart, W.A.
Ave verum Corpus
Coronation Mass
Sparrow Mass


Palestrina, Giovanni Perluigi da
Sicut Cervus
Tu es Petrus


Parry, Hubert
I was glad
My soul, there is a country


Philips, Peter
Ascendit Deus


Rachmaninov, Sergei



Rossini, Giacomo
O salutaris Hostia


Stainer, John


Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich

Cherubic Hymn​

Tallis, Thomas

If ye love me

O Nata Lux

Spem in Alium


Tippet, Michael

Extracts from 'A Child of Our Time'


Vaughan Williams, Ralph

Dona Nobis Pacem


Viadana, Lodovico Grossi da
Exsultate justi


Victoria, Tomás Luiz de
Ave Maria a 4
O Quam Gloriosum


Walton, William

Belshazzar's Feast


Weelkes, Thomas
Alleluia, I heard a voice
Hosanna to the Son of David


Wood, Charles
O thou the central orb

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